Tips for Staying Home (and sane!)

Tips for Staying Home (and sane!)

For those of you who don’t know, my typical workday is filled with curious “little people” -Kindergarteners! Everyday their minds just want to explore, paint, build, and do all the fun stuff that kids do in Kindergarten.  In Kindergarten, I don’t think I ever sit down, unless I am reading a story or working with a small group. I am constantly ON THE GO, documenting, evaluating, teaching, helping, nurturing, and so much more. I am very used to being in that busy school structured environment. As most places of employment have now directed employees to work from home due to COVID-19 (including people who work in education), this past week I have to find some ways to keep myself sane, and go through a day at a much slower pace. Below are some tips that have worked for me, and hopefully might work for you too:)

No.1  Have a Routine

Avoid wasting your time or spending it in an unproductive way. Don’t procrastinate, plan your day. I’ve been making my days as similar as possible to my daily routine: setting my alarm clock, making my bed, working out, making a list of things to do and getting those things done (which makes it easier for me to do the next things on my list).

 No.2  Always Get Dressed 

 Take care of yourself and try to do what gratifies you the most. Don’t spend the days in pyjamas. Get dressed. This is VERY IMPORTANT! There will be some days where you will feel like you just want to dress “chill" and that’s totally OK! Clothes can be a source of comfort too, whether that means putting on that that cute leisurewear set or those lulus. When I am feeling down, I usually dress up to feel more put together. Studies have also shown that getting dressed actually increases productivity and sets the tone for your day. Along with getting dressed, I apply a bit of makeup each day to also boost my mood. Lipstick can go a long way ladies! 

 No.3  Practice Self-Care

 Dedicate yourself to things that make you feel good: trying a new face mask, take a long bath, paint your nails, read a new book, catch up on those magazines you have been collecting over the last few months, paint, watch a new series on Netflix. There are thousands of things we never do because we don’t have enough time. NOW we have the time, so use it!

No.4 Learn Something New

 I have looked at this period as an opportunity for growth. You can learn a lot about yourself and discover resources and skills you didn’t think you had: learn a new recipe, learn a new language, take a course.

No.5 Think Positive!

Make efforts to think positive, focus on the good things that you can draw from this situation and continue to build relationships with loved ones.

If you have any tips you’d like to share drop a comment below. Until then…stay safe, stay healthy, and #staychic

xo Jessica